Dipl.-Kff. Helga Hemmersmeier

30167 Hannover
and by appointment

Mon. - Thu. 09:00 - 12:00
and by appointment
Curriculum Vitae
Professional Background
since 05/2020
Administrative oficer at the Institute of Banking and Financing, Leibniz Universität Hannover
seit 02/2019
Coordination Officer of RTG 1723 (Globalisation and Development), Leibniz Universität, Hannover
07/18 – 01/19
Hays Professional Solutions, Düsseldorf, employed as sales assistant at hagebau Handelsgesellschaft für Baustoffe mbH & Co. KG, Soltau
03/18 – 06/18
Sales Managerin at GREAN GmbH, Garbsen
06/16 – 02/18
Further training in online marketing and web programming
04/08 – 06/16
Assistant to the management, later Marketing Communications Leader at DynaEnergetics GmbH & Co. KG, Troisdorf
02/08 – 08/13
Freelance work for Fuhrberger Zimmerei Betriebsgesellschaft mbH, Großburgwedel
01/00 – 08/13
Independant marketing project manager and web designer
07/96 – 08/02
Freelancer at WERTGARANTIE Technische Versicherung AG, Hanover
04/91 – 06/96
Marketing Assistant, WERTGARANTIE Technische Versicherung AG, Hannover
09/89 - 02/91
Market researcher for SIKKENS paints and varnishes Germany in Garbsen, Akzo Coatings GmbH, Stuttgart
03/89 - 08/89
Sales Assistant at Continentale Versicherung AG, Dortmund, at the Münster location
10/88 - 02/89
Marketing Assistant at Brillux König + Flügger GmbH & Co. KG, Münster
05/88 - 09/88
Projektmanagerin at GSKM mbH, Iserlohn
02/17 - 10/17
Modular training in the web + IT training center of Profil GmbH, Hannover: Completion with the IHK examination for e-commerce assistant
11/16 - 02/17
Modular qualification in multimedia marketing at Comcave College, Hannover: social network management, search engine management (SEO and SEA), IT publishing
11/07 - 12/07
Construction, configuration and administration of websites in the content management system Joomla! at akademie.de, Berlin
09/99 - 07/00
Continuing education course in multimedia computer science at the University of Applied Sciences Nord-Ost-Niedersachsen in Lüneburg
10/81 - 04/87
Studies of business administration at the Westfälische Wilhelms Universität in Münster. Master in business administration with a focus on marketing and statistics
Abitur, Städtisches Gymnasium Gütersloh